Seasonal Allergies Got You Down?

Achooo! Say Hello to Seasonal Allergy Relief

Do you find yourself staying in and closing windows during this time of year? Are you rubbing your red puffy eyes while others are planting and pruning to their heart’s content? Whether it’s spring, late summer or both, this is the most common time of year for allergy symptoms to flare and people to feel miserable! Here are a few tips to consider:

  • Acupuncture, of course! It helps. It can make your season less miserable in the short term, and long-term treatments can help make future seasons much better. Treatments can also prevent complications, such as sinus infections and blocked ears.


  • Chinese Herbs. We keep several formulas in the office that can help relieve allergy symptoms such as congestion, runny nose, itchy eyes, etc.


  • Nettles. Taking capsules of freeze-dried nettles can help the symptoms for many people without the side effects of antihistamines.


  • Diet. Wheat, dairy and sugar all exacerbate seasonal allergy symptoms. Try to limit your intake of these foods to avoid worsening symptoms.